Rolos Platform: User Guide

Setting up your project desk

Rolos Platform uses VS Code workspace as a work desk in a project. For the information about how to configure a desk, see Getting started with Visual Studio Code in the documentation at the VS Code official site

Note that every new session of working on a project starts with a default virtual environment configuration. During your work, you can install Python packages, but no environment configurations are kept after you end the session. The default session reset time is 72 hours after you quit the project. If you return to work on the project before this timeout expiration, all installed packages will be saved and the idle time counter will be reset

All the project data, data changes, and versions that you created are saved in the project cloud repository and are available in all further sessions.

Information You can have only one running desk at a time. That is, if you open several projects, only the desk of the project you are working on at the moment will be running. Virtual environments of other projects will stop.

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