My desk issues
The following issues and limitations are known that relate to My desk in Rolos Platform.
Installing additional packages
You might need to install additional packages using the pip reference Python package manager. The packages will be installed to a local directory and can cause some problems with switching to another desk template or project.
To fix such problems, delete the folder with custom installed packages.
Python interpreter version
For some virtual environment templates, you need to specify manually the correct version of the Python interpreter for the correct operation of the desk.
To do this:
- Open the VS code status bar (View > Appearance > Show Status Bar).
- Click the Python icon. In the dialog that opens, select the required version.
Single instance of My desk
You can have only one running desk at a time. That is, if you open several projects, only the desk of the project you are working on at the moment will be running. Virtual environments of other projects will stop.
Storage volume
The current storage volume is limited. The size of project files to be committed must be less than 5 GB in total.
Viewing My desk enviroment
When you set up the virtual environment template, resources, and packages of My desk, you cannot use them in workflows. You are unaware of what resources to use in a workflow (if they are the same as in My desk).
To view the resources used:
- In My projects, click the project you need.
- Open My desk.
- Open the VS Code terminal by pressing the keys: CMD + J or CTRL + J.
- Run this set of commands:
import pip
pip.main(['install', 'pandas'])
import site
import importlib
VS Code extentions
You cannot install and update VS Code extentions.