Rolos Platform: User Guide


A description of terms used in this document is provided below.


A member of a team who work together on a science project or research.


A collection of data (raw data) related to a subject examined in a science project or research and used to obtain analytical data, ensure statistical significance and reproducibility. 

High-performance computing (HPC) cluster

A collection of servers (nodes) working in parallel for more powerful computing. 

Machine Learning

Type of artificial intelligence (AI) in which computers that receive large amounts of data learn and develop models and rules that go beyond programmed algorithms.

My desk

A project workspace that is based on the VS Code editor and a running virtual environment on which the desk is opened.

A part of a graph that defines a project workflow and corresponds to a workflow step.


A unit of scientific work (research) conducted in the platform. A single project typically contains all the data related to a single science project or research.

Project file

A file that a researcher adds to a project: for example, a dataset or script for processing the project data

Project repository

A repository that stores and versions project data (for example, Git). 


An article with the results of a research project published in the interactive text format. Publications can have the following access type: 

  • Private access — a publication is available only to project collaborators.
  • Public access — a publication is available to anyone by a link.


Hardware and software that is used to handle a project.

Virtual environment

A collection of virtual machines used by a given project.

Virtual Machine (VM)

A system that emulates a real computer.


A unit of Rolos platform functionality, which allows you to create an algorithm that uses visual representation (graphs) to define the way of the data processing steps for a particular project.

Workflow source file

An executable file in the .sh, .py, or .ipynb format that is stored in the project repository and used in the project workflow.
